Our Strategy

Revesco Properties Trust is strategically designed to generate a consistent stream of predictable income through planned quarterly distributions. What sets us apart is our keen focus on elevating the fund's value through astute financial strategies. These strategies allow us the potential to further increase the value of the assets through mortgage principal paydown, accretive leasing activities, and strategic development initiatives to expand the leasable area.
"Buying the right assets in the right markets – that is what we do. These assets provide stable predictable cash flow throughout the economic cycle."
— Rhys Duggan (President & CEO)

What are we looking for?

  • RPT targets open-air shopping centers and mixed-use acquisitions in strong and growing trade areas with dynamic and diversified economies
  • NO Enclosed Malls
  • Properties to be purchased at attractive valuations at or below replacement cost to allow RPT to enhance valuations thru accreditive leasing and development activities
  • Target Markets – RPT focuses exclusively on well tenanted open-air and mixed use properties in growing US markets within a direct flight from Denver, CO.
“Retail brick and mortar shopping is more profitable than online and still makes up over 86% of all sales.”

Target Markets

“We utilize our extensive network of tenant and industry relationships to access, analyze, purchase, and manage assets in select target markets. The value of this cannot be overstated.”
— Scott Lee (Trustee)

Our Competitive Advantage

  • Deep tenant relationships forged through successful commercial real estate investing since 1990.
  • Active management through on the ground team in Denver, CO.
  • Our U.S. headquarters in Denver, Colorado is proximate to its target markets in the southern United States. Being local and on the ground is a prerequisite for success.

Strategic Relationships

2731 17th St. Suite 300,
Denver CO 80211
(303) 551-7750
1090 West Georgia St. Suite 1310,
Vancouver BC V6E 3V7
(778) 656-1586
© 2024 Revesco Properties Trust
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